Monday, 22 November 2010

Lord Mayor's Show

On Saturday, 13th November 2010, 6 Year 6 children were choosen to take part in the Lord Mayor's Show in the city of London.
The Lord Mayor's procession is nearly 800 years old. It has marched unscathed through everything from the Black Death to the Blitz. In the twentieth century it was the first ever parade to be broadcast live on television and its a day out for almost half a million people.

Part of the parade takes the Lord Mayor, in his gold carriage, to the ROyal Courts of Justice where he pledges his allegiance to the crown (the Queen and the city), just like Dick Whittington did in 1397!

The children had a great day walking with the Order of the Young Freemen and waving at the crowds! They also enjoyed talking to the soldiers that were with us and even got to hold a gun!

Here are a few photos of the day.
The children talking to the soldiers and holding their gun!

Some of the parade that were behind us

Children beside an army tank

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