Year 6/7 Transition unit - Flatlife
After the hard work of the SAT's, we have been enjoying taking part in a transition unit that will be linked to our first couple of weeks of high school when we start in September.
In class we have been watching a short film called 'Flatlife'. It is an animated film about 4 characters that live next door to each other in a block of flats. There are lots of different situations that arise between the neighbours.... even a panda flying into the window!
It is a very funny film!

During class, we have been taking part in a lot of activities related to the unit, such as; Drama, letter writing (informal and formal), playscripts, making a new soundtrack, animation, designing a new flat and lots more!
During our drama session, we pretended to be the characters and held a residents' meeting to get to know each other.
It was great fun! Look for yourselves.....
Neha, Heidi, Tommy and Shaun's fantastic acting!
Amy and Amie in character!
We have had such a great time in the last couple of weeks during our Literacy lessons, we can't wait for more!
it was absaloutly amazing cause we needed to guess diffrent things by listening to the video and then we realised what it actually was. I wish i could another of them sessions that we had to think and listen carefully of what is going on in the background.
Wow,I can't believe my group was actually chosen!I didn't know we were good!=)
I really liked FlatLife so I told my sister about it.Then I showed her the actual film and she laughed so much!
I am so glad that the Year 6's have enjoyed Flatlife!
I am looking forward to making a flat for a character from a shoe box!
I love FlatLife. I even showed it 2 my family and they luvd it.
It was great fun doing drama in front of the class and i would like to do it again.
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