On the week beginning 14th July Years 5 and 6 performed their end of year production to the school and parents. After a rocky start the children performed fantastically in all 3 performances. They sang well and the acting was just as good. There were some fantastic solo performances that didn't leave a dry eye in the house. As you can imagine the usual teachers watching couldn't hold it together and the tears came flooding out, so that proves how successful the performances were. I know there were also a lot of parents who watched who commented how well the children had done and again there were lots of tears shed.
Not only did the children perform brilliantly, but also all the teachers and LSAs worked extremely hard, without these people the performances just couldn't go ahead, so thank you.
The sale of refreshments and photos raised a good amount of money for the school, which will be put together with the money raised by the year 6 at the summer fete to buy some equipment for the playground and a plaque will be placed in their memory.
Thank you to all who came and supported the children and school.
Below are the photos of the production!!!

Production Songs
Lights, Camera, Action!
Sticks and Stones
Oh What a Drama
Naughty Step
Let Us Entertain You
You Raise Me Up
Mr Fixit
Lunchtime Frontline
Be A Friend
This is great! Now I can practice my songs with out having to wait for school to practice!
I think the songs are so good i really enjoy singing them!
I cant wait until the production. Its great to see all the people playing their parts and I love playing my part as a dead weight contestant, especially as I get to act with my best friend Tharsa.
This is going 2 be the best production ever. i want everyone to practise their word and have fun.
good luck
Year6 student
Well done Year 6! You did a fantastic performance this morning.
Don't forget to keep it up for Tuesday and Wednesday!
Remember, you have to try and make me cry!!
i really enjoed lights camera action? it was fun dancing
my favourite one was believe it was so hard to reach the high notes and by the ways how are yhu all i am missin eveywun soo much and miss haywood
hey peepz!! its leah here from 6s !!! i still remember the performance it was soo cool!!! i luved it .it even made me cry.soo thanks for the lovley performance held.. cya !! peace out
In my school :St Michaels Winterbourne, I play Terry the Milk monitor! The play is so good!
Hi my name is Aisha i go to HPS i think lights camera action is great! i was mrs potts! it was fun! ur school should do it in the end of the year!!
our school is doing this play toooo !
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