As the year 6 children enter their last few days of primary school they thought it would be nice to reflect on some of the memories they will keep forever as they move forward in their lives..........

"Manford is a great school and I will remember all of the fun stuff we did like 60s day and the Apprentice Challenge." Gaby (6S )
"I have really enjoyed my time at Manford Primary School. I am going to miss all of the teachers and LSA's. Thank you to them all for helping me throughout the school. I wish all my friends good luck in high school." Daniel (6S)
"Manford is a great School, I'll never forget it. The best thing was 60's day. peace."Alfie (6S)
"Manford is a brilliant school. The teachers and LSA's are really friendly I will never forget Manford."Shaun (6S)
"Manford is an amazing school!It's full of exciting things to do and I never get bored during lessons.I just feel bad that I wasn't here long enough to know many of the teachers."Heidi (6S)
" Manford is a great school, it is so fun and everyone is so kind! I will miss all of my friends, LSA's and teachers, i will always come and visit! I really enjoyed Activity Week and the leavers BBQ!" Jayde (6S)
" Manford is the best school ever because there were friendly teachers and LSA's. I have enjoyed everything throughout my whole school life at Manford! And I will never forget the moments in this school and I will miss my friends and wish them a very good luck it their new high school! Kevin(6S)
"Manford is absolutely awesome, it has been a huge part of my life. This school is the best in the world!! I will miss all my teachers and Lsa's and espiacally my friends. I wish good luck to eveyone at Manford." Rawal (6S)
"Manford is a school that will always be in my heart I will never foget anyone here and I wish everyone Good Luck." Tharsa(6S)
"Manford what can I say it has been an inspiration to my life. I will never forget the best days at Manford like 1960's day, the apprentice, which I sadly missed but I enjoyed preparing for it. I wish good luck to all my friends who will be going to other high schools than me GOOD LUCK!" Alexandra (6S)
"Manford is a great school because I've enjoyed my time from year4 right the way to the end of year6" Sherylanne (6S)
"Manford has been great because I have enjoyed every year at school and I will miss it." Sandra (6S)
"Manford is the best school I have ever been in and I will miss everybody. This school will always stay in my heart" Neha(6S)
"Manford is the best school ever. I am going to miss all the teachers that taught me during my time here. " Tommy (6S)
"It is a great place here. I wish I could have another year here! I will miss all the teachers and LSA's, they helped me a lot." Jordan.B (6S)
"I will miss the school a great deal. I will miss all the teachers and LSA's. I will always remember how Chris Sword helped me a great deal in Reception when I wouldn't talk! Hard to believe now isn't it Miss Simmonds?!" Tarrell (6S)
''I have had a wonderful time at Manford and some bad times too ,I cant remember everything but I know I have had a really great time here and im sure every one at Manford feels the same way!!!! I WILL MISS YOU MANFORD!!!!!! '' Milanda(6S).
"Manford is the BEST SCHOOL EVER!!I will be really upset to leave but I have loads of memories I will carry with me forever.Shani (6S)
"Manford is my favourite school ever and i will miss all the teacher's and all the pupil's from manford when i leave school. When i go to high school i will go Manford to vist all the teachers who work there! i would allway's miss Manford primary school because it's the best school ever!!! Sophie (6s)
"Manford is the best school EVER!!!! I will really miss all the teachers especially Miss Simmonds because she is the best AND FUNNIEST teacher ever!!!I will really miss my friends and all the people. I have really enjoyed my time in Manford and I will really miss it. I will NEVER EVER forget Manford, as it is the best school in the whole world. I am looking forward to going to highschool but I will really miss manford and I will DEFINATELY cry on the last day:(!I will also DEFINATELY visit manford because I will never be happy if I never go back to Manford again! I WILL MISS MANFORD AND I WILL CARRY ITS WONDERFUL MEMORIES WITH ME FOREVER. Naba (6s) XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX
''MANFORD is the best school ever!! I will miss all my friends and all the teachers which work in Manford. Kirandeep(6S)
"Manford Is Wicked, But i have to leave now and I'll miss it all the teachers and my friends in yr5 " Jordan (6S)
"I will never forget my great time at manford and I will miss all of the teacher"Louise (6s)
"Manford is a great school I will miss all of my friend's and teachers and LSA" Rebecca (6s)
"Manford has been a Fantastic primary school, I will never ever forget it. I will always Miss it especially the teachers, LSA and my friend's. I will also never ever forget my favourite teacher Miss Simmonds" Lareb {6s}xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Manford is a great school I will miss all of my teacher and friend and LSA " Mimi (6s)
"Manford is a fantastic school,I will miss it a lot." Hami(6S)
"I have had a great time at Manford and I am sad that I'm leaving" Mayowa (6H)
"I have had a great time at Manford Because it is a brilliant school because the children and teachers in manford and good bye manford"Charlie(6H)
"Manford has been a great school to me since I was in Nursery.Since i've grown older I have had lots of friedns.My best friends who have treated me with lots of respect are Charlotte,Rachel,Alison,Mayowa,Millie and Audrone they are great friends and I am going to miss them loads!!!!!!!!" (Heather 6H ) xxx
"Manford has been wicked. Meeting new friends and learning new stuff. Even though I disliked some people there was still others who I could tell anything. I have also met new teachers some I didn`t get along with, but most I got along with. I`ll miss everybody in Manford who helped me get through. (Harry 6H) See Ya!
"Manford has been a great school and I have made loads of great friends here. I will miss Manford a lot. Amy (6H)
"Manford has been a fantastic school because of all the friends i've made, and the new things i've learnt that i never would of knew before. I will miss it always! Jessica (6H)
"Manford has been a great school to start my life in.I have enjoyed everything I have done and I will never forget it" .(Andrew)6H bye!!
Manford has been a excellent school and I have enjoyed my time I will never forget the school.Samir (6H)
"Manford has been a great school that I have enjoyed. I have really loved all my friends that have treated me very well they are Charlotte, Heather, Jessica, Amy, Jasmine and last but not least Amie.I will never ever forget Manford Primary School.I wish Manford very good luck and wish them happiness!!! Audrone"(6H)
"Manford has been FAB!! I have had a great time at Manford but its finally the end :( but also I will miss my mates at manford who are... heather millie alison rachel mayowa and audrone love you guys oh and GOODLUCK MANFORD Miss you!!!" Charlotte (6H)
''Manford is a great primary school.I am going to miss Manford and my friends it has beehn a great time ,thank you Manford."MERIN (6H)
''Manford has been a Great School, I have made lots of friends and I will miss them all!! Good Luck in High School, Have a Good time!! I will miss you All!!'' Amie(6H)
''Manford is a great school. I have made loads of freinds and it will be dissapointed leaving them and all of them have helped me such as Charlie, Andrew,Shoaib,Samir and much more so bye Manford hello High School" Miraal(6H)
"Manford has been so much fun and i don't want to leave manford. It is a shame cause I have made loads of friends and I have to leave most of them behind, I have some really good friends suchas : Louise, Loretta, Sandra, Gabby, Charlotte, Heather , Rachel , Alison , Amie, Bradley , Charlie, Miraal, they have all been true friend during my time at Manford primary :). The teacher have also been very kind :) . I will miss ya all". see ya and good luck in ya new schools Elle xxxxx
"Manford has been great,I have had lots of fun and freinds such as Joel,Charlie,shoaib,Miraal,Harry,Elle,Hilton,Merin,Amie D and many more good bye Manford and hello Hainult High I cant wait to go to high school but I will miss Manford. Bradley (6H)
"Manford has been the best school ever,I will miss Manford so much I dont want to leave because I dont want to leave the kind friends that I have made and all the nice teachers like Miss Haywood and Miss Simmonds. Loretta (6H)
"manford has been a fantastic school and I will miss it with all my heart.I will miss manford so much I dont leave becouse I dont want to leave all my friends that i have been with since I started school the teachers i will miss is miss haywood,miss simmonds and mrs wix i will miss every one in manford and good bye primary school and hello high school.georgia(6H)
"manford has been greatest school I have ever been to I will miss my friends,Charlotte,Heather,Alison,Mayowa,Georgia,Elle and loretta to all of them i will rember every day of my live..
"Well Iv'e been here since year one and all the years have flew past so quickly,but Iv'e enjoyed it I'm going to miss all my close friends such as:Harry,Safia and everybody else,I will also miss some of the teachers.It has been a great time at Manford,I guess you never know what youv'e got untill it's gone bye Manford!!!!
"manford has been good but their was ups and downs but it has be a really good time here ill miss all my such as Charlie,Harry,mirralll,shoib,andrew but i will see people at high scholl,goddbye manford:) Hilton
"manford has been a great school but some bits I never liked but Im going to remember everone in it im going to miss my my mates (Heather,Charlotte,Rachel,Mayowa) GOOD-BYE MANFORD AND HELLO HAINAULT!!! alison 6H
"Manford has been a great school theres some hard times too,im going to miss all my freinds such as melissa,anna, will be hard to leave im going to miss manford soo much and il miss miss.haywood to as she is my first teacher!!!BYE MANFORD.salima(6h)
I will miss Manford so much. I have only been here a few months but I enjoyed myself so much.I will definetely come visit again!
Believe me y5 y4 and so on when u come into y6 u will be amazed at what sorts of things u do and what the teachers have lined up for u to enjoy and have a fab time at the last year at your school wich is Manford Primary School! the school is a very nice enviroment to be in and i thank all my friends and mates that have really tried thier best at diffrent things. plus i have to say all the things that were said were really sad that the other children wrote!!!!!
I LUV U MANFORD!! I really mean it. On my last day i cried my eyes out. I hope i would b able 2 visit again soon
I will miss manford sooo much it has been my best primary school
ill miss my friends (salima, safia,audrone,andrew,miral, and jessica.)
by melissa
Hi Manford
I really miss you but I am having a lovely time at my new school GGSK College.
I hope I can visit again soon.
Hi Manford!I am now a year 7 at Oaks Park High School. I'm having a great time. I've got Keagan And Georgia with me but I dont see them very much. I miss Manford alot and I want to try and visit.Thank you for a great time.
-Heidi=)Hi Ms Simmonds!!!!
Manford,wow a great school.I'll advise everyone i know to go there.I enjoyed going to school knowing i'll see my friends, teachers and LSA's.There was something special about my last year.It was hard keeping up with revision for sats,but after that had finished the rest of the was relaxing.I could finally enjoy working with others in the apprentice challenge,have fun making my flat and playing rounders.Miss Haywood whoops i mean mrs James congratulations, thanks for guiding me in year 6 and helping me acheive my level 5 . Now life has changed,i go to debden park high school.Its hard but fun and enjoyable.I'd like to finish with saying thank you to everyone at manford primary school who has made my time there wonderful.Thank you!
Hi Manford I so miss this school, everything is diffrent in high school. I hope Mrs James had a good wedding and also hope Miss Simmonds still has that cheerful face of hers.i so thought high school is easier but i realised its not but i do have lots of fun! Y6 u will be shocked to go in high school but dont worry about it now worry when u get there, right now have as much fun as u can. Love u all.
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