Year 6 Learn the 'Quick Step'
Year 6 have just started a new History/PE topic all about dance. The children are involved every week in learning different dances through the decades. This weeks gruelling challenge was to attempt steps from the Quick Step! The lesson involved the whole of Year 6 and was a great work out as well as a lot of fun. We were all exhausted afterwards, especially the teachers.
Year 6 have just started a new History/PE topic all about dance. The children are involved every week in learning different dances through the decades. This weeks gruelling challenge was to attempt steps from the Quick Step! The lesson involved the whole of Year 6 and was a great work out as well as a lot of fun. We were all exhausted afterwards, especially the teachers.
Before beginning any form of exercise we need to warm up. The children enjoyed warming up to the favourite track of 'Cha Cha Slide'.

This is so much fun!!

Check out the concentration....

We were exhausted!
After all the exercise we were absolutely exhausted, but can't wait to have a go next week.
What an enjoyable session
I wish we did these activities in my day..
I can't believe how lucky we are in Year 6! We do such fantastic activities like the dance sesions
and fab science lessons.
it was really fun doing dancing i really enjoyed it
it was fantastic
that session was great and a bit hard
i had fun dancing the quickstep it was hard but good hope everyone else liked it!
I like doing the activities in dance it was so much fun!
from charlotte 6H
It was hard to learn but fun!!
It was very good fun but hard work,
I really enjoyed it.
i really like doing these dances because they are great but you need to put a lot of effort into it to do this.i wish i could do the dances like the professionals do!! :)
Dancing was great but I get tried and it is embarrassing.
It was really fun learning all the dance moves!It was hard learning them all, but it was fun trying all the dance moves out!
I loved doing the dancing, even though it was tiring it was gret fun.
i wil always remembr tis dance session(quickstep)coz it was my frst we wer so tired i hope there wil b mor sessions so til then lets groov the quickstep..!!il miss ya manford :)
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