We set off straight away after registration to Hainault tube station where we caught a tube to London Bridge. It was very busy but the teachers made sure we were all safely on the trains!
Once we arrived at London Bridge, our first stop was the Britain at War Museum. We were all very excited as we have thoroughly enjoyed learning about World War 2 in class. However, when we arrived at the museum we couldn't go in.... they had had a power cut! The man that worked at the museum told us to go into Hayes Galleria and have an early lunch. It was an early lunch.... it was only 11.10am!!
After half an hour we were told that the power was back on and we could go into the museum.
It was great! We watched a video about the effects of World War 2 in Britain, during and after and then we explored! We went into an Anderson Shelter (some of us found it scary because it was so dark and all we could hear were loud aeroplanes and bombs!). We also got to dress up in German uniforms, British soldiers uniforms, it was great.
Next, we moved onto HMS Belfast. It was amazing! When we first went aboard the war ship, we had to wait for someone to come and take us to the school room. There we were told how the HMS Belfast helped our allies in the war and how the boat itself survived.
Then we were allowed to explore the ship. It was fascinating! They had a dentist, a hospital, a butchers, a shop, a bakers.... they had everything onboard!
It was very cramped though. The men would sleep in a hammock and there would often be up to 100 in the one room.
It was a brilliant day out, and we learnt lots! Here are some pictures of our day out.

Jimmy, helping to point out the many guns onboard the war ship

Eni, Myla, Atakan and Kishen trying on the clothes that the sailors would have worn whilst on board HMS Belfast.