Memories of Manford 2008 - 2009!

As the year 6 children enter their last few days of primary school they thought it would be nice to reflect on some of the memories they will keep forever as they move forward in their lives..........
Miss Simmonds: 6S, you have been a great class to teach, lots of different characters to make each day very different! We have had a few mishaps over the year but I am sure you will agree they have been outnumbered by the fun times we have had. I wish you all the luck with high school and your future beyond that. I will miss you!
Mrs James: 6J, we have had a great year. Been given the chance to participate in lots of fun activities and it has very enjoyable. Like 6S, we have had a few ups and downs but overall they have been good, with memories that will stay with me. Good luck for your future.
Becky[6s] I will miss everyone at manford goodbye to all!
Atlanta[6s]I will miss every one especially Miss Simmonds!!!
Kelvin[6s]I will miss every one in manford good bye!!!
Khia[6S]Manfords been great i couldn't of gone to a better school x x Bye !!!!!!
Shannan[6s] Everyone has done really well and i will miss them loads and loads bye manford xxx
Nithurshan(6s) I will miss everyone in class and miss my friends in manford and miss simmonds is a good teacher.
Dylan[6s]I will miss manford for ever
Melisa]6S}i will miss you all very much manfords been the best schoolxxxxx
Reece(6s) i will miss manford so much i will miss manford so much bye bye.
Saliha (6s) I will miss manford so much bye xx
Sam(6s) good bye x i will miss you
Michael(6S) I will miss everybody in the school, including all the teachers.
Felix(6s) Although I was only here a short time, I will always remember our little school.
James (6s) I will always remember the time when i made my first friend in nursery Bradrily. Bye Manford!
Liam(6s) I will miss my friends and some teachers at Manford.
Matthew(6s) I will miss manford forever and it will always have a place in my life.
Jack O(6s)I will miss manford it is like it has been a friend to me and i hope i would remember manford.
Kelsey (6S)ihope i would see manford again 1day it was our friend to us.
Zoe (6S) hope the school still lives without us and i will miss the school so much and i will be a sham to leave x x x
Kennedy(6s)i have enjoyed my time at manford but glasbury has been the best memoriexx.
Amy (6s) Manford has been a friend to me and has helped me all through the years. But now we have to say goodbye...
Sapphire (6S) manford has been a good school. I have lots of memories. I will miss everyone.
Conor B (6S) I have really enjoyed my time at Manford, I am going to be sad to leave.
Connor. C (6S) I am really going to miss Manford. It will always be a biggest part of my memories.
Jack.C (6S) My biggest memory will always be Manford. I wish it lots of luck in the future. I am going to miss the science lessons and the maths. I am also going to miss Miss Simmonds, Mrs James, Ann, Chris and Sam.
Bradrily (6S) I am always going to miss Manford as a school and all the teachers. I have really enjoyed all the lessons we done. I am going to miss Pete from Foundation Football, he made PE lessons fun!
Zayneb(6s) I have been at manford since nursery and i am goin to miss it so much.i will miss all my teachers forever.I have had a lot of fun!
Jessica (6J) I have only been here two years-and have enjoyed myself soooooo much!!! My *fave* part was Glasbury-(I h8ed the food tho!) Do u remember when Francine fell in love with Adam? hahahahahahahaahahahaha! Gonna miss evryone-especially Rhian, Alex, Alyssa, Nivey, Lesley and Gina!
Alyssa (6J) i have spent my time at Manford for 3 years and now it has come to an end i think it has been great fun especially trips e.g Glasbury! I will miss all the teachers definetley Mrs James and Miss Simmonds!!!!
Nivethusha(6J) I have been here for 2 years and I really enjoyed my self, I especally enjoyed Glasbury because we got to do lots of activities, I will always miss my Friends and Teachers!!
londra(6J) Had a good time at manford.It has been brillient.I am especially going to miss my friends and they are Rhian,Alex,Lesley,Nivey,Alyssa and others more.I will miss my teacher in manford,that is mrs James.
Rhian (6J) Over the years i have been at Manford i have found best friends in which i hope to keep in touch with , had amazing oppertunities and had memories which will be with me forever. I will miss manford terribly !! :) :D
Francine (6J) i have been in this school since nursery ans now look we are all leaveing i will miss manford loads and never forget the teachers it all be a school to remember.
louie(6j) manford was a great school and i will never forget the teachers are great and i will always remember it.
Harry(6J) This school has been like a friend to me exsept when u gave me detonchons i will miss u manford bye!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam H (6J) Manford was like a new chrapter in my life and I will never forget the moments our little school and I will forget my time at Manford
Aisha (6J) I will always remeber my time at manford and I will miss it very much, my whole life is here.
david g (6j) I will alyas tresuer my time at manford,it has been a huge part of my life and i will never ever forget it.
Daniel (6j) Manford has been a friend to me and I will treasure my time at Manford
Gina (6J) Manford will always be special to me because I have been here since Nursery and it's been like a friend to me. Now I have to say goodbye, I am sad!
Sam. P (6J) I will always remember my time at Manford and all the good memories and my friends
Nikita (6J) Manford has always been a special friend to me and I will treasure the memories I have.
Josh (6J) I will never forget my time at Manford, I will always remember the good times and try to forget some of the bad times!
Yvonne (6J) I will never forget Manford. I will remember all the good times!
Callan (6J) I know I will always remember the good times at Manford and I will treasure them throughout my time at high school.
Daryl (6J) Although I have been here a short time I will never forget my time here at Manford. It has been really fun and cheerful.
Lesley (6J) I have made great memories at Manford and will never forget them.
Alex (6J) There have been good times at Manford and I will never forget them.
Inquiyad (6J) I will never forget Manford.
Courtney (6J) I will miss Manford very much.
Iisa (6J) I hope everyone in the future will have a great experience at Manford like I have.